How we work with you

We do it together...

Te Mana Kotahitanga

Mana Ātea starts from the position that you and your whānau are the experts of your own lives and the solutions that work for you, in your own life and context, and that you should be supported to be involved in making decisions.

A tikanga -led approach allows for Mana Ātea to walk beside whānau to see, feel and understand your living environment, your informal and formal support system , your needs and preferences and also create a safe space for your whānau voice to be heard.

This approach empowers you to have control over your own life, to pursue your own destiny, and to celebrate your mana motuhake.

Planning and support from Mana Ātea will include, among other things:

ensuring that you are involved in a meaningful goal setting approach;

awhi you to understand and navigate the planning and funding system;

providing you with practical support and advice during the planning process;

attending any planning meetings with you, if you wish;

awhi you through the planning and review processes;

providing advice about building stable support arrangements;

remaining available whenever crises and emergencies arise.

Management and administration from Mana Ātea will include:

paying Pouāwhina

calculating PAYE tax and Kiwisaver and submitting it to Inland Revenue Department;

calculating and paying the ACC levy;

preparing and submitting all necessary documentation to IRD;

paying contractors and suppliers;

arranging and paying public and product liability insurances;

holding and administering funding.